ISMVL 2019
IEEE International Symposium
on Multiple-Valued Logic
on Multiple-Valued Logic
Source: Fredericton Tourism

Final Program
Monday, May 20, 2019 @ Garrison Room | ||
11:30-13:30 | Workshop Registration (also ISMVL Reg.) & Lunch (from 12:00) | |
13:30-16:55 | Workshop on Post-Binary ULSI Systems | |
18:00-21:00 | ISMVL Registration & Welcome Reception (Beaverbrook Art Gallery) |
Tuesday, May 21, 2019 @ Peritcodiac Room | ||
8:00-8:30 | ISMVL Registration | |
8:30-9:00 | Opening | |
9:00-10:00 | [Keynote Address I] Chair: G. Dueck | |
Stochastic Logic: Mathematical Underpinnings and Practical Applications Marc Riedel (University of Minnesota, USA) |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee Break | |
10:30-12:00 | [Session 1A] Chair: M. Miller | [Session 1B] Chair: N. Homma |
One Additional Qubit is Enough: Encoded Embeddings for Boolean Components in Quantum Circuits Alwin Zulehner, Philipp Niemann, Rolf Drechsler, and Robert Wille |
Waveform Shaping Transmitter Combining Digital and Analog Circuits for Multi-Valued Signaling Yosuke Iijima and Yasushi Yuminaka |
CNOT Gate Mappings to Clifford+T Circuits in IBM Architectures Alexandre Araujo Amaral de Almeida, Gerhard W. Dueck, and Alexandre Cesar Rodrigues da Silva |
Demonstration of Ternary Devices and Circuits Using Dual Channel Graphene Barristors So-Young Kim, Sunwoo Heo, Kiyung Kim, Myungwoo Son, Seung-Mo Kim, Ho-In Lee, Yongsu Lee, Hyeon Jun Hwang, Moon-Ho Ham, and Byoung Hun Lee |
Scaling-up ESOP Synthesis for Quantum Compilation Bruno Schmitt, Mathias Soeken, Giovanni De Micheli, and Alan Mishchenko |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch (Symposium Committee Meeting) | |
13:30-14:00 | [Dedication Talk to the Memory of Ivo Rosenberg] Chair: L. Haddad |
14:00-15:30 | [Session 2A]
Chair: L. Haddad
- Special Session - |
[Session 2B] Chair: T. Sasao |
The Inclusion Structure of Boolean Weak Bases Biman Roy and Victor Lagerkvist |
A Ternary Fuzzy Extractor for Efficient Cryptographic Key Generation Kohei Kazumori, Rei Ueno, and Naofumi Homma |
Design of Quad-Edge-Triggered Sequential Logic Circuits for Ternary Logic Sunmean Kim, Sung-Yun Lee, Sunghye Park, and Seokhyeong Kang |
Threshold Physical Unclonable Functions Felipe Marranghello, Yang Yu, and Elena Dubrova |
The Mathematics of Ivo Rosenberg Lucien Haddad, Miguel Couceiro, and Maurice Pouzet |
The Four-Valued Logic in UML/OCL Models: A "Playground" for the MVL Community (Tutorial) Nils Przigoda, Judith Przigoda, and Robert Wille |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee Break | |
16:00-17:30 | [Session 3A] Chair: M. Lukac | [Session 3B] Chair: Y. Yuminaka |
Spectral Invariant Operations in the p-Valued Spectral Domain Claudio Moraga, Milena Stankovic, and Radomir Stankovic |
A Noise Convolutional Neural Network and FPGA Implementation Atsuki Munakata, Hiroki Nakahara, and Shimpei Sato |
The Invariance of Spectral-Kolmogorov-Type Statistics for Estimating Genomic Similarity Micah Thornton |
Design of a Current-Mode Linear-Sum-Based Bitcounting Circuit with an MTJ-Based Compensator for Binarized Neural Networks Tomoki Chiba, Masanori Natsui, and Takahiro Hanyu |
Remarks on Similarities Among Ternary Bent Functions Radomir Stankovic, Milena Stankovic, Jaakko T. Astola, and Claudio Moraga |
A Novel Machine Learning Algorithm to Reduce Prediction Error and Accelerate Learning Curve for Very Large Datasets Wenjun Hou and Marek Perkowski |
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 @ Petitcodiac Room | ||
9:00-10:00 | [Keynote Address II] Chair: S. Nagayama | |
Approximate Boolean and Max-plus Matrix Factorizations in Algorithmic Data Analysis Pauli Miettinen (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee Break | |
10:30-12:00 | [Session 4A] Chair: R. Wille | [Session 4B] Chair: F. Manyà |
Reversible Pebble Games For Reducing Qubits In Hierarchical Quantum Circuit Synthesis Debjyoti Bhattacharjee, Mathias Soeken, Srijit Dutta, Anupam Chattopadhyay, and Giovanni De Micheli |
Finite Model Property for Modal Ideal Paraconsistent Four-Valued Logic Norihiro Kamide and Yoni Zohar |
T-Depth Optimization for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Circuits Philipp Niemann, Anshu Gupta, and Rolf Drechsler |
Task Value Calculus: Multi-objective Trade off Analysis Using Multiple-Valued Decision Diagrams Tyler Giallanza, Erik Gabrielsen, Michael A. Taylor, Eric C. Larson, and Mitchell A. Thornton |
Entanglement in Higher-Radix Quantum Systems Kaitlin Smith and Mitch Thornton |
Clausal Form Transformation in MaxSAT Chu-Min Li, Felip Manyà, and Joan Ramon Soler |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00-17:30 | Excursion | |
18:30 | Banquet | |
Thursday, May 23, 2019 @ Petitcodiac Room | ||
9:00-10:00 | [Keynote Address III] Chair: M. Soeken | |
Quantum Computing with Noisy Intermediate-scale Devices Andrew Cross (IBM, USA) |
10:00-10:30 | Coffee Break | |
10:30-12:00 | [Session 5A] Chair: P. Niemann | [Session 5B]
Chair: H. Machida
- Special Session - |
Realizing All Index Generation Functions By the Row-Shift Method Jon Butler and Tsutomu Sasao |
Ternary Logic Synthesis with Modified Quine-McCluskey Algorithm Sung-Yun Lee, Sunmean Kim, and Seokhyeong Kang |
A Dynamic Programming Based Method for Optimum Linear Decomposition of Index Generation Functions Shinobu Nagayama, Tsutomu Sasao, and Jon Butler |
An Approach Toward Classification of Minimal Groupoids on a Finite Set Mike Behrisch and Hajime Machida |
Quasi-Postan Logic Hazard of Postan Signals Maciej Rudziecki |
Fine-Grained Complexity of Constraint Satisfaction Problems through Partial Polymorphisms: A Survey Miguel Couceiro, Lucien Haddad, and Victor Lagerkvist |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch (Technical Committee Meeting) | |
14:00-15:30 | [Session 6A] Chair: V. Lagerkvist | [Session 6B] Chair: M. Thornton |
First-order Nelsonian Paraconsistent Quantum Logic Norihiro Kamide |
Comparative Analysis of Full Adder Custom Design Circuit using Two Regular Structures in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) Rahul Singhal and Marek Perkowski |
On a Minimization of Variables to Represent Sparse Multi-Valued Input Decision Functions Tsutomu Sasao |
Synthesis of Nondeterministic Behavior in Recombinase-Based Genetic Circuits Zi-Jun Lin, Wei-Chih Huang, and Jie-Hong Jiang |
Maximally Asymmetric Multiple-Valued Functions Jon Butler and Tsutomu Sasao |
Non-Binary Approaches for Classification of Amyloid Brain PET Katherine Zukotynski, Vincent Gaudet, Phillip Kuo, Sabrina Adamo, Maged Goubran, Christian Bocti, Michael Borrie, Howard Chertkow, Richard Frayne, Robin Hsiung, Robert Jr. Laforce, Michael Noseworthy, Frank Prato, Demetrios Sahlas, Christopher Scott, Eric Smith, Vesna Sossi, Alex Thiel, Jean-Paul Soucy, Jean-Claude Tardif, and Sandra Black |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee Break | |
16:00-17:30 | Plenary Session & Closing | |
Friday, May 24, 2019 | ||
9:00 - 16:00 |
Reed-Muller 2019 Workshop (Room 122, Gillin Hall, University of New Brunswick) |

The Technical Committee on Multiple-Valued Logic of the IEEE Computer Society will hold its 49th annual symposium in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, from May 21 to 23, 2019.
The program consists of three invited talks and 38 high-quality papers. It offers you a great opportunity to follow the recent technologies and explore future directions in multiple-valued logic and its related areas.
Final Program