(Call for Book Proposals)
The Springer Nature publishing company requests proposals for new books from the MVL Community. Springer Nature has acquired the Synthesis Library of Engineering and Computer Science from Morgan & Claypool publishers (see the 2020 Pless Release). Springer Nature has an international market in engineering and scientific books and is one of the largest such publishers in the world. In particular, topics and related subject matter as listed in the CFP of ISMVL 2022 are of interest. These topics include:
- Typical page length of books: 100 to 200 pages
- Submit a two-page
proposal form via email to
Mitch Thornton (Book Series Editor) or
Charles B. Glaser (Springer Nature Publisher)
- For more detail, see the webpage

Call for Book Proposals:
» Page Length of Books:
100 to 200 pages
» Proposal Form:
» Submission and Question:
Mitch Thornton
Charles B. Glaser