University of
Novi Sad

ISMVL 2017
IEEE International Symposium
on Multiple-Valued Logic

Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines:

    The Session Chair will use your brief biography to introduce you at the conference. Please keep it brief and just pick out the highlights (degrees, affilication, title, etc.).

    Please e-mail your biography to the Program Chair, Elena Dubrova (dubrova{at} by May 15th.

    The time that has been allocated to your presentation will be a total of 25 minutes. The time allocated for a presentation is 20 minutes, with a further 5 minutes allocated for discussion. Meeting rooms have projectors and screens, but you should bring your own laptop or tablet and adapter for your output port (HDMI or VGA).


If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask Prof. Elena Dubrova.