The Springer Nature publishing company requests proposals for new books from the multiple-valued logic community. Springer Nature has acquired the Synthesis Library of Engineering and Computer Science from Morgan & Claypool publishers (see the 2020 Pless Release by clicking here). Springer Nature has an international market in engineering and scientific books and is one of the largest such publishers in the world. In particular, topics and related subject matter as listed in the 2023 International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic call for papers are of interest. These topics include:
The Springer Nature Synthesis Library of Engineering and Computer Science, launched in 2005 by Morgan & Claypool publishers, has been acquired by Springer Nature and currently comprises over 1,000 books with a current output of 100 books every year. Each book is published in eBook form with a paperback print-on-demand option and has a typical page length of 100 to 150 pages. Synthesis series eBooks offer unique value to readers by providing more background, analysis and depth than a traditional research journal article. Synthesis series eBooks range in scope from basic introductory to advanced research topics with many eBooks containing chapters that encompass both of these aspects. The series serves a broad audience. For researchers, they provide an ideal introduction to new fields. For the practitioner, they provide a method of staying current on developments in research at university, corporate and government labs. For the professor and student, they provide a source of information on advanced topics that are more accessible than the journal or conference proceedings literature
In addition to offering titles to individuals through online purchasing, the eBook series has a very large subscription base with the complete library being licensed at numerous worldwide university and corporate libraries and professional society libraries such as IEEExplore. All titles are delivered as PDF files. Access to licensed institutions allows users the ability to save or print eBooks.
Prospective authors are encouraged to complete a short two-page proposal form (click HERE to access the proposal form). Please submit your completed form, or send any questions to:
Mitch Thornton, Series Editor |
Charles B. Glaser, Editorial Director |

Call for Book Proposals:
» Page Length of Books:
100 to 200 pages
» Proposal Form:
» Submission and Question:
Mitch Thornton
Charles B. Glaser